
Montessori Daycare

7:30am -5:30pm
Monday – Friday
12 months a year

(3-5 years)

 2025/26 rates

$ 1090.00/month
(minus the gov subsidy)


(not including admin fees)

Casa Amore

All of our programs have . . .

mixed-aged communities where children first learn to follow and then learn to lead. .  

Junior Kindergarten

8:30am -3pm
Monday – Friday 
12 months a year

(3-5 years)

2025 rates

$1090/ month
(minus the gov subsidy)

(not including admin fees)

Casa Pace

All of our programs have . . .

highly qualified passionate Montessori-trained teachers who thoughtfully guide each child.  


8:30am -3:00pm
Monday – Friday
10 months a year (Sept – June)

2025 rates

$1225 / month

(not including admin fees)

Casa Speranza

All of our programs have . . .

a beautifully prepared environment with authentic Montessori materials, tastefully and simply decorated without clutter and distractions.

Elementary (grades 1-3)

8:30am -3:00pm
Monday – Friday 
10 months a year (Sept – June)

2025/26 rates

$1200 / month

(not including admin fees)


All of our programs have . . .

scientifically designed Montessori materials properly displayed in each classroom to guide the children from the simple to the complex.

Senior Elementary
(grades 4 - 7)

8:30am -3:00pm
Monday – Friday 
10 months a year (Sept – June)

2025/26 rates

$1200 / month

(not including admin fees)


All of our programs have . . .

music, mandarin, language labs, physical education, maintenance, outdoor exploration, field trips, winter and spring concerts, pizza day, and holiday celebrations.

More Programs

Before-School Care

7:30am – 8:25am
Monday – Friday 
10 months a year (Sept – June)

After-School Care

3:00pm -5:30pm
Monday – Friday 
10 months a year (Sept – June)
$380/mo.  Afterschool Care    

A f t e r /B e f o r e  S c h o o l   P r o g r a m 

The before school program allows children who need to be dropped off before 8am a place to safely and quietly prepare for the day, with activities such as reading, drawing and  visiting with classmates.  Our after school program combines an afternoon of unstructured playtime with classmates outside on the playgrounds and using sports equipment in the gym with structured games, crafts, sports, cooking, service, gardening, reading, and drawing.


  • Music Education Program 
  • Mandarin Program
  • Language Lab 
  • Physical Education (Fundamental Core Program)
  • Life Skills Program (Maintenance)
  • Musical Theatre 

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